Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Detox-Fasting-Cleansing Diet

Hello everyone!

Have you tried any kind of detox/fasting/cleansing regimen before?
How was it?

As for me, I would like to try a 3-day juice detox + a week of no pork after that 3 days.

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Hi ms laarni when is the proper time and for how long and how do i do the proper detox-fasting-cleansing regimen? Thanks!

Hello Fe,

It can be a mix of your lettuce greens, cucumber, celery, and spinach.
You may even have carrots and tomatoes.
To make it even tastier, you may add pineapple and apple to it.

what arethe ingredients of the juice for the detox?

probably yes. i felt really lighter after. i closed phase 1 with 8lbs lost which is a very good number so i think the meal replacement contributed to that.

If I am not mistaken, this is the now you asked me to check, right? Have you lost weight with that?

on the last 2 days of my phase 1, i opted for an all-meal replacement weekend. it was okay and i didnt have problems like lack of energy, etc. the only negative i can think of is that the drink's texture is too think for my liking.

if you have weekend plans and don't want to carry a whole day's meal with you, this is the way to go.


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