Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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any alternative for stevia,is equal ok?thnx

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Honey is not a good option since it has a high glycemic index.

How about honey, can this be an alternative too?

Alright! thank you. :) I think I should always have a stevia in my bag 'in case of emergency' :)

It's okay :-q but as much as possible go all natural =D


I went out for coffee a while ago and forgot to bring stevia :(. As I couldn't drink black coffee alone, my opted for putting 2 sachets of Splenda. Is that alright?


I was able to buy stevia in Mercury Drug, it's called Sweet & Fit.

@chelzy: as long as that organic sugar is not refined, white sugar. You may use coco sugar or muscovado sugar for your coffee

@dors: Yes, go ahead :)

@veronica: you may use coco sugar or muscovado sugar if you cannot find stevia

its my 1st day today... so far the tea has been a torture for me... can i have it with muscovado since i cannot find any stevia yet.. :( PLEASE HELP

Hi There!

Is is okay to use stevia twice in a day? I use it in my oat bran & low fat soy milk mix & I also use it making my Chauchard Tea... :)

Can I use the organic sugar from healthy options on my coffee?


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