Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Products and Food

What do you eat when eating at fastfoods?

I'm just curious what you are eating when eating in jollibee or even kfc? It's like all the food there are junk food, but when it's also so addicting! I think their mashed potatoes are not healthy too, also, their chicken. So what's left to eat when we dont have a choice?

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At Jollibee and KFC, fried chicken is fine...just remove ALL of the skin, and don't use the gravy either. You can only eat rice once you get to phase 3.
You can also get the coleslaw at KFC, but just don't get too much of the mayonnaise dressing.
At Chowking, you can get the siomai and maybe the kangkong.

I've stopped eating at fast food for a long I don't really like it. These days, I only eat fast food very very rarely. Of the fast food chains, I guess Chowking is the most passable for me, because the food seems fresher.


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