Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum

First Weeks on the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

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FORUM: First Weeks on the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

Weight Loss Rate - P1Wk2 and P2

Hi :-D
I know that for Phase 1 - Week 1, dieters will be able to lose 4-7 lbs. For Phase 1 - Week 2 and Phase 2 onwards, what's going to be the rate of weight loss? Will it be the same as the 1st week?
...assuming of course the diet is followed religiously O:-)

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Hello Kendz!

Please increase your vegetables serving and drink more fluids. I suggest you increase also your meat portion by half if the prescribed. Update me from time to time.

I started feeling weak in day4.

I'm on day 6 and I already lost 12lbs! Normal? Take note, i use 2 weighing scales! Same turnout.

Great! Congratulations!

Keep us updated on your weight loss journal. :)

hi.. i lose 5 lbs. in two weeks.. :D

Hi Khatzie, that is totally fine especially if you are used to an eating habit that is rich in sugar, carbs, salt and fat. 13 lbs is a lot and I must congratulate you for that. Keep on monitoring your weight. One thing I also suggest is to calibrate you weighing scale or try weighing on a different scale to compare. :-q

im not sure how to react, but the scale says i lost 13lbs from week 1.. i really cant believe it coz i feel the same and i feel like i lost nothing? is this normal? i took my weight last week monday morning, weighed myself this morning and this is what i got.. :^>

Good luck, Beck! :) See you around the community! :D

Goodluck beck15..1st day is easy and exciting, i feel so weak on the 2nd and 3rd day, u need a lot of patience and control, it will be easier on the succeeding days because u will get use to it.

Am starting on monday yey! Wish me luck, people!


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