Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum

First Weeks on the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

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FORUM: First Weeks on the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

Weight Loss Rate - P1Wk2 and P2

Hi :-D
I know that for Phase 1 - Week 1, dieters will be able to lose 4-7 lbs. For Phase 1 - Week 2 and Phase 2 onwards, what's going to be the rate of weight loss? Will it be the same as the 1st week?
...assuming of course the diet is followed religiously O:-)

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Thanks for the invite, Laarni :) When's the meetup? Unfortunately, I won't be able to go if it's between July-August since I'll be on a business trip then. :(

You're welcome, Pewpew. I'm really happy to have you here in the community. By the way, will you be interested for a meet-up?

Oooh that means I'll be on this diet for a while. Hahahaha. Thanks for the response, laarni :D


Good question! :D

Expect to lose 2-3 pounds in the 2nd week, and then on week 3 onwards during the whole span of phase 2, the healthiest weight lost is 1-3 pounds per week. :-q

Please do note that the larger the weight you need to lose the bigger and the faster the rate at which you will be able to lose weekly. :)

A 1 lb consistent weight loss per week is actually an achievement already.


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