Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum


You too can follow this scientifically proven weight loss diet by Dr. Claude Chauchard

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FORUM: Chitchat

Keeping it Clean Challenge!!

It's been such a long time since The BelleToday Team challenged one another and we admit, we kind of miss it! So here's what we've decided to do for next week:

Keeping It Clean

After all the fun, it's now time to clean up! Party after party has forced us to eat the unhealthiest desserts and now the BelleToday team is challenging you to a CLEANSE!

We want you to keep it clean by:

1. Commiting to a detox regimen for 1 day, 3 days or even 1 week.

2. Blogging about it! And we dont just mean once, we want you to record as the days go by.

Here are some of the detox regimens that you can follow:

1. 1 day or 3-day detox � vegetable juices only.

2. 3-day or 5-day detox� no meat diet (beef + pork).

3. Dinner fast for 3 or 5 days � last meal at 6PM.

4. Water only detox � no coffee, no tea, no juice, no alcohol, no sodas.

5. Lemon juice + psyllium fiber + wheat grass � taken before breakfast.

6. No sweets for 5 days

Feel free to join us on this challenge and make sure you take the time to really BLOG about it! We want to know that you're in it with us!

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WOW! great news!! :) Congrats Beth!

Glad you ladies were able to take part in this challenge with the team. We'd be happy to challenge you again soon! We just need to think of something fun! haha!

WOW! Really great results!!! :-q As for me, I lost 4 lbs in 5 days! WHOAH! That made me continue with by doing phase of Chrono-Geno Nutrition for 2 weeks. I actually want to do the diet for 3 months. Let's see.

I am at my last day of no sweets for 5 days and i did it. It was not difficult because when i started to do it, i also began with my Week 1 Meal Plan.

The challenge helps me overcome my cravings for sweets.

During Phase 1, I cheated by eating Magnum and rice cakes but this time I resisted all kinds of sweets except dark choco and fruit for my snack.

I want this challenge again next time and I will try the no sweet again plus no meat.

Hi everyone! Just wanna share how my veggie detox went -
i was only able to do two days (wed and fri - had lunch and dinner mtgs on thurs kasi) but with some meal cheats by supper time...

first day was harder - was really dizzy at work and couldn't think well for my work reports. My energy was up only when i had the veggie juice with fruits. Drank about 5 glasses total but 3 of those were the ones with fruits.By the afternoon, I resorted to wheat crackers...felt so weak that i had rice+chix salpicao by supper time.

Second day - friday - was better. I had 3 glasses total tho of pure veggie juice with almond nuts and about 12 glasses of water. I had another 3 glasses equivalent of veggie-fruit juice baon but was not able to drink it bec twas too thick pala - kulang sa tubig. it got stuck in my mug and just wouldn't flow unless i scoop it with spoon. i had wheat crackers and almond nuts in the afternoon instead...then hubby requested for a clawdaddy :(

I had my usual brewed coffee on the days after each veggie detox day - Thurs and today. I noticed that the caffeine effect is quite strong when I used to have 2-3 cups per day. I think the detox, while partial, may have really cleansed my system...Last thurs nyt, I was up til 3am, and today, i'm feeling some hyperacidity :( but maybe a good thing - will help me avoid coffee permanently, or at least help make my consumption occasional.

I also became constipated while on this detox. :( i felt & still feel bloated the whole time. Dunno if it may also be because i had not exercised when I used to have 3-4night/week with 35-40min exercises. i was fully hydrated naman the whole time with about 3liters of water intake per day...or maybe bec i cheated too for supper?

On weight reduction, hay, with my supper meal cheats, naturally, i did not lose any but regained 2 of the 6 lbs i lost in the first 15days. :/ I feel super guilty and off...I hope to be good in the next 5days.

Have 4 glasses of plain vegetables and 2 glasses with fruits. you can have the 1st glass with fruit at breakfast and the other one at 4PM =D

Thanks, Laarni! :) Do you recommend one type of juice for the whole day, or should i vary? i have one that has spinach/pear/banana/apple/pineapple; then carrot/apple/tomatoes/thyme/parsley/lettuce/cucumber; and the last is carrots and celery. Only the one with fruits taste good :(

Yes, Love. You may take that to your office. You should have 5 bottles a day if you are to have that exclusively for your detox.

Those are good for 1-3 days if kept refrigerated. :-q

I have prepared three types of veggie juice this morning, and brought them to work with me today. Im just worried if this is okay, don't i need to take in as soon as or within Xmins right after juicing? Will these still be nutritious if taken later this afternoon?

@ Lavque_0903: That's a pretty challenging detox regimen you have there! I hope we can all make it! Good luck to us! :-q

I will join you gals! Will do 3day veggie juice detox, then 5days no sweets and no red meat starting tomorrow. Wuhoooo! May the good Lord strengthen my spirit to stick to this! Hope it blasts more fat in my body too! :D


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