Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum

Success Stories

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FORUM: Success Stories

success on the 3rd day of diet

After two days of diet, ive lose 3.3 im motivated to continue while missing a lot of food not included in my meal plan..

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You are definitely on the right track to achieving your weight loss and health goals.
This diet is safe and effective and will not cause you to experience weight rebound.

Just ti make it clear, this is not similar with the Cohen Diet and we are not affiliated with them. If you have further concerns about the program, feel free to send me questions through the personal questions tool.


Hi i'm on my 6th day today of week 1 phase 1 of my diet program and weighed myself and couldn't believe my eyes that for the past 5 days i lost a total of 5 lbs. with just the diet alone and no exercise at all except for the usual walking! This is truly amazing! i've been talking abt this diet to my friends since i started and they just thought maybe that this is just the usual diet that comes and go. I believe this is pretty much the same as to the Cohen diet. Anyway, thanks! All the more i'm excited to go into week 2 phase 2!


I loss 5lbs on my 1st week without any form of exercise during Phase 1.

I just started walking or jogging or skipping rope on my week 3/4,until now i jog for 30-40 min, 3 to 4 times a week.

Im planning to work on my abs next week because i think i need to do it.

Hi Beth,

Did you also have some form of exercise on your 1st week?
I lost 3.2 lbs in my first 2 days as well, but i do 90-minute bikram yoga as well burning at least 525 calories.
How many lbs in total did you lose after week1?

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :-q Don't worry, all your effort will not be put in vain.:) You'll soon reap the fruits of your weight loss efforts. Keep motivated! ;)


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With Dr. Chauchard's guidance, you will be surprised how easy it is to lose weight with this method!

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