Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Recipes

how to follow and maintain meal plans while working on field

Hi guys, im currently working on field and have a quite busy sched. I'll be starting by Monday on this diet plan. I'm planning to prepare "baon" for my lunch for me to follow the meal plans. Anyone who also do fieldwork who can share how they followed the meal plans? Do you prepare the bring "baon" meals and Tea while on field?

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I have lunch buddies at work and after I told them that I'm gonna be doing a strict diet, they are are all supportive naman. I also prepare certain dishes in the evening like the fish and chicken dishes so that I only need to worry about the salad in the morning. I usually soak my veggies and fruits with Kangen water (alkaline water) as it washes the chemicals in them. It even makes fruits. sweeter ;) It is kinda tedious but it's worth it :-q We just have to keep it up :)

i will be starting this comimg monday (June 18) and also work in the planning to make baon and not to be oonscious on what officemates will think about it. I tried other ways of losing weight but to no avail so im hoping this one will be successful

thanks mabc21. i think will also prepare also in advance to avoid hassle especially in the morning to prepare.

I usually cook what i need the night before to avoid any hassle the morning after. :) For my morning vegetables (cucumber, radish, tomato, carrots, mushroom, and lettuce), i usually prepare a lot and just store them in a container inside the refrigerator, good for 2-3 servings. I think it's also good to prepare it ahead of time because there are times when i go home at night, i am tired from work that i just eat my "usual morning vegetables" then just open a can of tuna (century tuna lite) and really drain the oil. This is my last resort because during phase 1 i really try to avoid eating salty food.


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