Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Recipes

baked recipes

hi..just want to ask if what alternative cooking can i do if the recipe is baked? unfortunately we don't have oven at it ok to use any of the recipes that u published?it's my first week.

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A turbo broiler or even an oven toaster (better if with thermostat controls) can also be used for baked dishes. :)

@mabelle1987: You can replace tuna tail with other kinds of fish, better if it;s under the Preferred and Neutral fish for your blood type. You may also substitute with chicken or tofu for this recipe.

Are you referring to this "1 meat + 3 fat' for this particular recipe? It tells you the number of portion of food item there is in a recipe. For the fat portion, you can reduce it e.g take out soy cream, but not go more than the number of portion recommended.

If i change my meal, do I have to follow the fat count and the type of meat/fish that was included in my plan?like for example if my meal is curried tuna tail, do i have to exchange it with fish as well, and is it ok if the fat count or content(included in your recipe) of what I opted to cook is a point higher?

@mabelle1987: You can poach, grill (but take out charred parts of meat), boil, steam or quick-fry. You can also pick any recipes you like on our Recipes page.


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