Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Products and Food

Sweeteners and sugar substitutes: natural and artificial

Dr. Cohen recommends Splenda.
Dr. Chauchard recomends Stevia.
Equal - not recommended by anyone really - why?

Is there really a difference between these artificial sweeteners? Ive been reading about all these different types of artificial sweeteners. even agave nectar? Sucralose? Fructose? what really are these?

We're swamped by advertising, consumers like us become ill-informed and confused on which one really is a better alternative. Please clarify which one really is the better/best option and why.

Also, I noticed on the diet plan, there is no particular limit of the amount of "sweeteners" we may have. We all know, that moderation is the key. I dont want to be indulging on artificial sweeteners only to find out theres a limit I can consume in a day.


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Thanks Vic,

It's a good thing I'm still on phase 1 so no pancakes allowed. Otherwise I might be tempted to eat one with maple syrup. I will have to post-poned that as my reward O:-)

Hi Yannie,

Maple syrup is high GI, so you'll have to use it sparingly.

You can check the GI of other foods through Tools > Bonus > List of Glycemic Index of Foods. :-q

Dear Vic,

What about the maple syrup, is it okay to use it? I just bought 1 litre of pure maple syrup from my last trip to Canada this May. Since it comes from the maple tree - technically tree sap, does this mean it is acceptable? How many GI count does a tsp of maple syrup have?



I love your enthusiasm though! This is what the program is all about, which you will get in your daily e-mails starting on Monday...learning the truth about nutrition, so that you can make better eating choices to be healthy. :-q

I believe agave nectar is also allowed, because its GI is tolerable, but it can be expensive in the Philippines, so stevia and coco sugar are better bets.

On my side, I simply never liked the taste of artificial sweeteners, so I never used them. I just learned to take my coffee and tea without any sweetness. :)

Hi victoria,

thanks for diligently responding to my concerns. I start next week so all these questions are roaming abouts...

Yes you may change the forum title if you wish. My apologies. wasnt sure how to title it....

thanks for clarifying the distinction between "artificial sweeteners" and "natural sugar substitutes".

Science aside, It all seems a lil clearer now.

So stevia and coco sugar it is!


You're referring to Dr. Rami Cohen of Cohen Lifestyle? There is another French doctor, Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, and he's actually on the board of the Global Stevia Institute.

If I may just clarify as well, stevia and agave nectar are NOT artificial sweeteners, because they come from NATURAL sources, as table sugar (a.k.a sucrose) does come from sugar cane. Fructose is also natural. I think that the term you are looking for is "sugar substitute", or just plain "sweetener". If I can have your permission, I can edit your forum title to better reflect the discussion. :)

Artificial sweeteners, therefore, come from chemical sources. Common varieties are aspartame (Equal), saccharin (Sweet 'n' Low), sucralose (Splenda), xylitol, etc.

On the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet, natural sugar substitutes (stevia, coco sugar) are preferred, because Dr. Chauchard believes that artificial sweeteners carry toxins that further age the body and hinder detoxification. Also, stevia and coco sugar are relatively lower on the glycemic index, compared to another popular natural sweetener, honey.


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