Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Other ways to cook the food and food alternatives

Hi, i find poaching very difficult and complicated. is there any other way to cook the eggs or the meats without poaching it?

I been scrolling the supermarket for non fat soy milk but did not found any. Instead i bought non fat milk. would that be okay as a substitute?

please help because i am starting tomorrow. Thank you

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is non fat milk isok for type a?

@victoriacastillo - thank you so much. this helps a lot :)

Eggs = good old fashioned soft/hard-boiled, of course. You can also "fry" it without any oil in a non-stick pan. If you have trouble poaching eggs, you can take a small heat-proof container (Pyrex, stainless steel), crack your egg in it, and submerge it in the water; you can also add a splash of lemon/calamansi juice or vinegar in the boiling water to stop the egg from "feathering".
(Poaching eggs is also a frustration of mine. :P)

Meat: Steam, bake, broil (in a turbo broiler, for example)

Non-fat milk is fine if you're not lactose intolerant, or if it's okay for your blood type.


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