Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Food cravings

Eating 2-3 squares of dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) and drinking tea can actually suppress carvings and curb appetite. Have tea every after meal and dark chocolates at 4 PM. Load your body with anti-oxidant and start fighting obesity and aging.

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@ pinaysicmemanila and chelzy: Take a look at the graph in the link below:

4 pm corresponds to the peak of the hormones insulin and cortisol in the body, during which it's optimal to "refuel" the body, as the sugar ingested (through the snack of chocolates and fruits) will be burned more efficiently.
Unfortunately, chelzy, this does not mean you can eat chocolate any time you want. :)

You can drink about 1.5 L of Chauchard/green tea in a day.

Eating 2-3 squares of dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) can actually suppress carvings and curb appetite, is that means i can eat dark chocs anytime of the day evrytime I crave?

what is the reason why dark chocolates can only be eaten at 4pm. btw, I am a Type A. How much chauchard tea/green tea can i drink per day? is there a time of day when i should drink the tea?


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