Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Products and Food

Pearl Milk Tea craze

Hi, I wonder if pearl milk teas are considered cheats; hence, requiring a fast for dinner or the following day.

Example from Tokyo Bubble Tea: Medium Royal milk tea (est 240ml) with splenda and small pearls

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Yup! I usually try to go for the smallest size, no add-ins, and 0% (or no more than 30%) sweetness.

And treat milk tea as a dessert in itself, instead of as an accompaniment to a meal or snack. Try also not to "mindlessly" sip it while you're walking at the mall or while watching a movie. Sit down, savor it, and drink water in between. :)

No, it doesn't require you to go on a fast not unless your had milk tea consecutively which resulted to weight gain. Please omit Splenda and the pearls because those are too sweet already. Go for egg pudding instead and ask for 0% sweetness.


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