Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum

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FORUM: Products and Food

Cranberry Juice & Buko juice

Hello! Would like to ask if we are allowed to consume either cranberry or buko juice? These are two of my favorite drinks and am not sure if it's ok to drink these during (or after) the program? (I'm on week 6 type O lactose Intolerant)...Thanks.

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Great! Thanks :-q

Thank you for the info Laarni :)

You may have 2 glasses :)

Owkie Thanks! :-q ...But if I could get Sugar-free Cranberry much would be allowable? ;)

Owkie Thanks! :-q ...but if it's Sugar-free cranberry juice, how much would be alowed? ;)

Buko juice and cranberry juice can only be allowed during your 4-5 pm snack as a replacement for your fruit serving. You can have a glass of it :-q Please do note that we are considering the sugar content that is why we are limiting it to such amount.


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