Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Products and Food

Calamansi over Lemon

Can we substitute lemon with calamansi? What nutritional benefits can we get from lemon that is not present in calamansi? What is more beneficial in following the CGN Diet between the two?

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What can i substitute for it i know calamansi will trigger my hyperacidity? Pls help... thanks :(

Hi! In phase 1 type O do i have to drink the pure juice of a lemon? Or do i have to make it as lemonade thanks

Yes, you may have it. Make sure it's Stevia :)

Hello, Im at Phase 2, can i have lemon or calamansi juice sweetened with stevia even it is not included in my meal plan during lunch or dinner?

Hi Beth,

Calamansi and lemon can be use alternately. They both contains vitamin C and are known to assist in digestion. Please feel free to use any of the two in your meals and drinks.

Hi Beth,

Calamansi and lemon can be use alternately. They both contains vitamin C and are known to assist in digestion. Please feel free to use any of the two in your meals and drinks.


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