Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Products and Food

calcium fortified vegetable juice

Where can i buy calcium fortified vegetable juice? Or can i just make my own vegetable juice using cucumber and carrot?

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You can buy rice milk at healthy options or rustans supermarket. :)

hi dors! may i know where can you buy rice milk? i want to try that too.. :)

Noted. Will switch to yummy rice milk instead :-q

Hello Dors,

Any vegetable juice will do, but be cautious of its sugar content. If it contains any corn syrup or fructose syrup and it comes as the first or second on the list of ingredients, it means the drink is high in sugar. Rice milk and almond milk and soy milk are the best alternative you can have.

Previously it was posted that we should check-out Red Juice in mercury, but it's quite expensive...

I was able to buy VeeGood Fruit and vegetable drink, however when I checked the ingredients, it mostly had Vit C and no calcium :( .

Also, I saw in healthy Options Lakewood fruit and vegetable juice (it indicates appetite suppresant) --- is this a better alternative?

I'm currently drinking(alternatively) Rice Milk fortified with vits and calcium & the veegood fruit & vegetable juice..

Hope you could advice which is the better alternative (I'm a type O on my third week).

Thanks! :)

It is available in Mercury, the red juice. You can even ,make your own vegetable juice with some leafy greens. Celery, cucumber, and lettuce. You can also add plain nuts in it.


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