Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Morale, motivation and the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

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FORUM: Morale, motivation and the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

How Do You Deal With A Bad Times?

  • By Catmela
  • On 05/08/2013 10:52 pm

When we decide to undertake a health program, usually we're in an optimistic -- or cautiously optimistic -- frame of mind. The first few days and weeks may go smoothly and we're totally stoked about meeting our goals.

But it cannot be avoided that we meet bad days, or even bad seasons during our fitness regimen. These trying times can throw us off-track, causing us to revert to old destructive habits regarding our health.

Sometimes when I have a really rotten day I feel the urge to smoke or binge-eat, and it can be quite a struggle especially with the eating part. I have to repeatedly and aggressively remind myself that just because I'm feeling bad, my body doesn't deserve to be punished further with toxins, that it's the best time to give it extra TLC instead.

So, what do you do to help you push through with your daily nutritional and fitness goals when you hit a physical and emotional roadblock?

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  • Posted by Catmela
    On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM

@Victoria: Thanks, taking a walk or run and getting fresh air outside is a great idea. Being too immersed in work at home or at the office can eventually bring on the blues (like in my case).

Also, thanks for fixing the title -- my typos make me go OC. :D

Great topic! (I also fixed your title, hehe.)

Your tactic is really a great way to deal with it. We just have to take a step back and analyze the situation before falling into an emotional pit. But it's easier said than done, of course.

Another way is to find a different, less damaging distraction. Instead of smoking, maybe get some fresh air and take a walk in a nice park or even in the shopping mall (leave your credit cards behind, before doing damaging retail therapy, hehe). Or exercise even, to bring up those endorphins.

Also, it will help if you can spill to a trusted confidante, or I would suggest taking it to the blogs and forums here, to get the support of the community. :-q

  • Posted by Catmela
    On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM

Eek! I grammatically botched my thread title. :^> :D


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