Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Morale, motivation and the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

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FORUM: Morale, motivation and the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

Why do you want to lose weight?

Share your motivations to lose weight here!

Let me introduce myself�I'm Victoria, and I've lost a total of 30 lbs since I started working at BelleToday.

My motivation�I was chubby all through high school and college, and I sorely lacked self-esteem and self-confidence. I decided to make a chance in my life. Luckily, the environment here at the BelleToday offices was conducive for helping me adjust to a healthier life.

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  • Posted by Catmela
    On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM

I don't want to end up like my parents: dead.

We have a history of obesity, diabetes, asthma, and hypertension in my family, and I've experienced how difficult it is to face life without parents during the teenage years. Now that I have a child of my own, I want him to enjoy my company for as long as I can help it, and to do this, losing weight the healthy way is one goal I intend to meet by the end of this year.


Remember, you are just as good as the LAST POUND you have LOST!

Lose more! Make the most of your program. Go Go Go!

I used to have an ideal weight... 10 years ago ;) But after moving to Doha with my husband and having a child, my weight kept on getting heavier and heavier every year. I tried all sorts of diet available in the market, name it and 98% chances that I tried it. But my weight loss is always like a "yoyo", if I lost 10 lbs in a certain short term diet, for sure I will gain it back with an addition of 2 to 5 lbs more :((

My schedule has always been my issue, having a full time job, being a mom and a wife I could hardly find time for myself. I said to myself that if I do not find the time then there won't be any. I decided that I have to make room for myself in my busy schedule. I need to reduce the number on my scale, :^> and be close to my ideal weight at least and be able to run without hurting my knees ;) Hopefully with this diet will help me attain my goal. :)

Me I've also needed to loose weight after having my 2nd kid. Breastfeeding helps, but after a while I gained what I lost and now I weigh more than when I was pregnant :( Hopefully I can go back to 130 or at least just keep on shedding pounds instead of gaining them :-q

I am turning 49yo this year and I am hypertensive and have been taking my medications for more than 10 years. I want to lose weight because I want to be healthy by the time I turn 50 next year. I want to lose 45 lbs and weigh 120 lbs again. This was my weight when I got married almost 17 years ago. I want to live a healthy life and live a long time and be able to enjoy my senior years with my husband.

I just want to live long for my family. I have daily maintenance for a stroke that occured to me last 2010. At first I lost weight after that incident. But because of stress of work. I regained what I lost :( But now I am decided to loss weight for good. na I envy people who can wear clothes that they want. My husband is fat too..But when my kid told me na . mama sayang your beautiful kaya lang your fat. Papapayat ka na mama. Then when my old friends saw. they said" what happened to you?" Thus this gave me a motivation to lose some pounds.

I wanna be there when my son grows up by staying fit. I plan to stay fit by running faster and longer. And to run faster I gotta shed some pounds hehe

My weight loss story begun some time during my third year high-school when a lizard-looking guy who happens to be my crush that time found out that I have a crush on him. It was to his dismay that a fat girl is eying on him. He started teasing me ans humiliating me in public. From them on, I swear to myself that I will lose weight and one day he'll regret what he has done... He did actually.

Hi all! I've been struggling with my weight since i was a kid. Throughout highschool and college, I lost most of it with exercise, but I've been on plateau for about two years now. I knew it was my eating habbits and it was about time i changed that too. It's a lifestyle change!

I decided to lose weight since I've gained so much coming back from my US assignment. Funny how most of my teammates have gained weight when we were in the US while I went the opposite route. I guess it's just that life for me is easier here while I had to do everything myself when I was in the US :P I want to go back to my previous weight and hopefully this can happen with the help of this diet :)


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With Dr. Chauchard's guidance, you will be surprised how easy it is to lose weight with this method!

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