Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: I'm Starting the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

Suffering from terrible headache

On my second day, i suffered from terrible headache, same with my third day, pls help

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Dr. Chauchard recommends drinking up to 3 L of Chauchard tea during warm days, which is plenty. I am guessing that your headaches during hunger episodes have to do with your hypertension. If the headaches persist even after having tea, go ahead and have a snack (yogurt, peanuts, veggies) or even your meal, if it's within the window of hormone peaks. Ideally, if you keep on with the meal plans provided here, your hypertension symptoms should decrease. :) Good luck, take care! And don't be afraid to consult your doctor as well.


I am a Type A. Is there a limit for drinking Chauchard tea per day during the 1st week of the diet? I read in one of the forums that if I am hungry, I should drink Chauchard tea or green tea or water. I am anticipating having a headache because it usually happens to me whenever I am hungry and failed to eat on time.

Yes, you can drink 1 bottle of Yakult as your dairy allowance, but have it as part of your 4 pm snack.

You are under Blood Type O, and people under that blood type usually have a hard time tolerating gluten-laden grains like wheat and oats. But, oat bran is allowed because most of the gluten from the oat grain is removed during processing.

@spoon101: I;m glad you found it helpful! Your welcome!

Yes, you can drink 1 bottle of Yakult as your dairy allowance, but have it as part of your 4 pm snack.

You are under Blood Type O, and people under that blood type usually have a hard time tolerating gluten-laden grains like wheat and oats. But, oat bran is allowed because most of the gluten from the oat grain is removed during processing.

@spoon101: I;m glad you found it helpful! Your welcome!

This is helpful... I had the same sentiments this afternoon and yesterday. Thanks for the info about Chauchard tea.

Another question is Yakult allowed on phase 1-3? Why is oat bran under the foods to be avoided on phase 2, but on my meal plan oat bran is one of my breakfast, I'm confused?

Yes, Indian mango and sineguelas are allowed. Choose the medium-ripe ones :)

Maybe #3 was the reason, cause i also felt weakness,, but im ok now, thanks to Chauchard tea it helps eliminate my headache ;)

One more question, is it allowed to eat Indian mango and sineguelas on phase I and II?

Hi Chelzy!

I hope you are feeling better now. There are many factors why you can be suffering from a terrible headache, which may not be caused by the diet alone. Here are some of my suggestions which may help alleviate your condition.

1. Make sure to eat on time. Follow Dr. Chauchard's recommendation of having a 4- hour interval between your meals. This way, you are constantly supplying energy to your body and not leave it at a fasting state for too long.

2. Especially during Phase 1, eat everything in the meal plan as much as possible. This phase is already restricted so its best to consume food as much as you can so you will not get hungry or get headaches throughout the day.

3. There is a condition called a "healing crisis" during a period of detoxification. It is just a sign that your body is releasing toxins out of your system, which may cause headaches, weakness, or vomiting for some. Drinking Chauchard tea may help alleviate your headache.

I hope my suggestions will help you, Chelzy!


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