Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum

I'm Starting the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

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FORUM: I'm Starting the Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

I'm Starting on Monday, 14 May 2012

From the looks of it, I would start my program next week; however, I don't think there's any harm in starting this week. With that, I just wanted to ask how the meals are supposed to be prepared. The meal plans seem to indicate what you need to take during the specific time in the day, but does not mention how to prepare it. Does it mean you have the liberty to prepare your food given the grocery list/meal plan? Thanks! :)

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  • Posted by Ritch
    On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM

Goodluck! :-q

Wow that's really amazing Janice! Keep it up and keep us posted! :-q

hahah i dont know if i weighed myself right before i started or if the scale is not functioning well hahha, but it appears that i lost 2kgs already. just started May 14. hope this really works! O:-)

Good luck Anina and Jen! :-q

Hi Victoria! Thank you so much for your tips. :) I've been wondering myself how to prepare some of the food that didn't have links to the recipe.

I have already joined the group and introduced myself. I am excited to see other members like me who are new to the program.

Hi all, please join your batchmates in the group if you redeemed your voucher this week! (copy-paste the following URL) Click "Join This Group"

Thank you both for your responses. Actually, I have just called in to ask my question over the phone ang got the same responses as those that you gave :)

True, I was wondering how some of the meals will be prepared since there was no instructions on most of them, but thanks to your responses and the help I received over the phone I now understand what to do. I decided to substitute some of the veggies with the same GI.

Good luck to us indeed! :-q

Hi, Anina and Jen! Welcome! =)

Anina—Jen provided helpful advice, and she's right! Most of the items also describe the preparation, but I can sense your concern with some of them:

Cucumber salad: this is just raw cucumber, sliced the way you like (rounds, cube, strips, julienne, whatever)...if you want some flavor, you can use salt and pepper and a bit of lemon juice...if you really want a dressing, you can use a bit of vinaigrette made with olive oil
Spinach salad: You can eat it fresh/raw, but if you want it warm, you can quickly steam/braise it until the leaves a bit...same seasonings as the cucumber salad.

Week zero is supposed to get you familiar with the tools and to meet others in the community! =) Monday is the standard start of the program for everyone, so long as you sign up before the Monday.

Hi Aninaj! I am in the same situation, but in my case, I think I will be starting next week. I have decided to try the tea this week just so I get used to the taste.

Some of the food are linked to the recipe and instructions on how to prepare, but some aren't.

Good luck to us! :)


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