Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum

Products and Food

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FORUM: Products and Food

Veggie Chips in Healthy Options

Do you buy this in healthy options?

What kind?

they offer varieties of veggie chips but i dont know if this is okay to eat or not.

What can you say coach?

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Most of the offerings at Healthy Options should be OK, but just because you get it from Healthy Options doesn't mean you have free rein to eat the entire bag. :D Don't exceed more than a 200 calorie serving You can calculate this based on the nutrition facts. When you have more details about your chosen snack, you can share the product name with our dietitians through the Personal Questions tool so they can also properly advise you (e.g. if it should be a joker, or if you can use it to substitute for a starch or veggie serving) on how to best enjoy the snack within your blood type diet. :)


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