Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Kidney beans for Blood type O

Hi! i am a bit confused about the preferred and unfavorable food for type O.

It says that preferred beans for type O are Adzuki beans, White coco beans and Kidney beans.
But as per checking, kidney beans are also listed in unfavorable beans and pulses for blood type.

Which is which? Kidney beans are like the beans in the pork and beans? hehe sorry baka kasi mali ako.. :D

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Hi meApharmacist,

My apologies for the 'Beans and Pulses' part for Blood Type O

Please refer to this for the correct listing:

Only allowed for phases 2 & 3
Adzuki beans
White coco beans - mostly available in France
Kidney beans - red, elongated beans

Broad beans
White beans - common type of beans used in pork and beans
Butter beans
Black beans
Soissons beans
Chickpeas - garbanzos

Only allowed for phases 2 & 3
Tamarind seeds
Red lentils
Green lentils - or monggo as Filipino counterpart

Thank you for noticing the error!


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