Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Questions on Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

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FORUM: Questions on Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet

will I gain weight in phase 2 if already in plateau?

I am very close to my final objective, I know that makes it more difficult, but and the end of phase 2, I am in a pplateau, this week when I begin phase 2 I am going to win weight?
Any ideas?

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I have observed that during the first two weeks on the program, the weight loss is very fast! I actually lost 10 pounds during the first two weeks. However, from the third week and onwards, the weight loss became very slow - like one pound in two weeks. Now that I am on my 6th week, I have lost a total of 12 pounds. I don't worry anymore if I don't lose a pound within the week. What keeps me motivated is the loss in inches around the waistline. I have lost 4 inches in 5 weeks!

@ Patitillo : Zumba is fun! :D That's great, that's also another way, your clothes start to feel looser. :-q I'd say losing inches is even better than losing weight!

Thanks Victoria i think you are righ, I am very happy with my results, they are more than on the weight, I see them in my cloths and I love it. I am doing Zumba by the way.


Hi @aimeevr23 !

As you've found out, weight loss isn't linear...and if you only have a 1-pound fluctuation, you don't need to be too concerned. Many factors can also explain that 1-pound, such as if you ate salty food, had too much water, or even had your period. If it's for those reasons, the weight will go away once you get back to normal. If you're exercising, it can also be muscle mass. :)

Maybe it would help if you increase your exercise, if you can do it in the morning, before breakfast, it really work s, I can not go because of work. Good lock.

Hi Patitillo,

I lost the 1 pound that I gained last week. So I guess I just have to be patient and stick with the program :)

How are you coping aimeevr23? I am still not loosing but only gained 300 grams, but I am restricting the carbs. :D

Until now end of week 3 I managed to keep the same weight, but I am watching a lot what I eat, and, I think I am in a plateau, but I think we have to be patient, exercise and keep the diet, it will pay off. :)

Same problem here. Im on week 3 and I gained 1 pound from last week. Help! Panic!


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