Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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Biscuits and other crackers

Do you eat biscuits? what kind or whats the brand? sometimes i crave for biscuits and i tempt to buy some local brand like skyflakes fit with oat fiber but I dont know if this is okay. If i eat this will this be considered as joker? im a type O.

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Biscuits, even saltine crackers lie skyflakes are still relatively higher in GI, but it's okay to take occasionally. If you really want it, a pack (3 pcs Skyflakes) is equivalent to 1/2 cup rice or 1 slice of bread, so make the necessary substitution. It won't be considered as a joker :)

Yah. I hope our dietitians can answer this. :D waiting... :D

I forgot the brand I get, but there's this brand of Digestives from S&R (I think it's Bergen?) that's primarily made of oat and wheat flour. I get one and put crunchy peanut butter on it as my post-workout snack, and it tastes like Choc-Nut!

When I checked the Skyflakes Fit, I think the primary ingredient is still flour. Maybe our dietitians can help us out?:)


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