Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum


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FORUM: Chitchat

Website Concerns

Hi! I noticed that my personal journal entries for yesterday and today have vanished. Is there a glitch in the system?

Thank you! ^_^

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Hi all,

Got confirmation from tech that it's all fixed. Please let us know if there are any more concerns. :-q

So sorry for this! Our tech team has verified the problem. I just pressured them right now to work on it na.

Mine too... I can only see the title but its not really there...

Hi, Carmela, so sorry for this. But some good news, your entries for days 66-67 are safe in the dietitians' console, so they still exist in the database. Just a little problem displaying them on your end (Sorry, I hope you don't mind me entering your account to investigate the issue.), but I can report this to our tech team so they can work on this ASAP.


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