Chrono-Geno Nutrition Diet with Dr. Claude Chauchard - Blood type based weight loss method

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FORUM: Recipes

How Ti eat oat bran

Any suggestions. Kind of hard to eat alone

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Great suggestions @meApharmacist!

@ShiningLight: As long as it doesn't have flour and syrup, it's a sure yes :) Stick to the basics: oat bran, eggs, oil or butter, stevia or sugar, and maybe some nuts. Nothing else added like whipped cream or chocolate.

Can I make mini oat bran muffins too? Googled a recipe which doesnt use flour, just pure oat bran, maybe olive oil instead of ordinary oil; say banana to sweeten, but may coco sugar can be substituted, egg or egg whites... Stilll healthy right? :-)

But i usually just take 2 tbsp oat bran with hot water, stevia, some soy milk and 5-6 pcs of almonds. Smetimes, i add the oat meal to it. Yum first thing int he morning! :-)

you can mix this with your milk as cereals and put 1 stevia to taste. or you can make this as oat bran pancake. you can the recipe under TOOLS then click the recipes. ;)


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