Chrono-Geno-Nutrition Diet Forum
FORUM: Coaching Tools
Creating your own meals
- By laarni (Calamba, 40)
- On 05/15/2012 4:45 pm
Hello everyone!
How are you doing with the diet so far?
Do you find it hard to follow the meals. Have you come across the Bonus pages particularly the Meal Structure?
It is a very useful tool to help you create your own meals.
Try using it to help you even manage your diet.
Let us know of your feedback.
- Posted by _p2979886_Karen (Quezon)
On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM
Do you have any idea how many grams of veggies? I'm kinda confused
- Posted by _p2979886_Karen (Quezon)
On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM
Do you have any idea how many grams of veggies? I'm kinda confused
- Posted by aninaj (Mandaluyong)
On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM
i'm trying to create my own meals, but i'm having a hard time coz i there are some contradictions that i find in the meal equivalences, favorable foods, neutral and foods to avoid, etc. Maybe i'm just not used to navigating the tools and i'm still getting used to this :-S
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On 5/7/2013 10:40 AM
@ Karen: You can eat as much veggies as you like! :-q